Wednesday, November 27, 2019


KATOLICKA KLASICNA GIMNAZIJA S PRAVOM JAVNOSTI U VIROVITICI OSVRT NA PROCITANO DJELO IZ FILOZOFIJE Herman Hesse: Siddhartha Odlican (5) V. L. Vidovic Ucenica: Ema Patrcevic U Virovitici, ozujak 2012. UVOD Uceci filozofiju kao skolski predmet, naisla sam na mnoge filozofe koji su zaokupili moju paznju i pomogli mi da shvatim neka dotad skrivena znacenja. Neki od takvih meni dragih filozof a su: Baruch Spinoza, Wilhe lm Leibni z, Francois Marie- Arouet Voltaire i Rudjer Boskovic. Zajednicko im je sto pripadaju racionalizmu i prosvjetiteljstvu, ali i zapadnjackoj kulturi. Njihova filozofija lijepa je i poticajna, ali i slicna, bazirana na slicnim principima razmisljanjima. Naisavsi na neke recenice, misli, pa i djela istocnjacke filozofije, shvatila sam kolika je steta sto nije dio naseg skolskog programa. Istocnjacka filozofija dosta se razlikuje od ove zapadnjacke na koju smo navikli. Nije toliko bazirana na vidljivom, odnosima izmedju ljudi i zajednice kojoj pripadaju, vec se fokusira na svakog covjeka iznutra, na ono nevidljivo, a stalno prisutno u svakom od nas. Davno smo culi da ako zelimo promjeniti svijet, moramo krenuti mijenjanjem sebe. Istocnjacka filozo fija prodire u bit svakog covjeka i zeli mu pomoci da prvo shvati svoje postojanje kako bi mogao shvatiti zasto je ovdje, i tako ispuniti cilj svog postojanja. To moze zvucati sebicno, ali istina je da ne mozemo pomoci nekome ako smo sami zaslijepljeni- tako ga jedino mozemo odvesti na krivi trag. Trazeci tako neka djela Istoka, naisla sam na zanimljivu knjigu zapadnjackog pisca, Nijemca, Her mana Hessea koji u njoj govori o Buddhinim prvim sljedbenicima i bavi se njihovim promisljanjima. Naziv knjige je Siddhartha, a prelistavajuci vec prve stranice shvatila sam da nisam pogrijesila posudivsi ju... Slika 1: Naslovnica Siddharthe RAZRADA Odmah na pocetku knjige susrecemo se s glavnim likom, Siddharthom. Radnja knjige odvija se u Indija, sto vidimo u podjeljenosti sustava na kaste. Cetiri kaste nastale su po hinduistickoj religiji od Brahmine glave, ruku, bedara i nogu. Cine ih: 1. Brahmani (svecenstvo). Iza njih dolazi ratnick o plemstvo Ksatrija. Odmah ispod Ksatrija dolazi kasta Vajsija (gradjanstvo). Ove prve tri kaste su 'dvaput rodjeni', i neizmjeran ih jaz dijeli od posljednje cetvrte kaste Su dra . Su dre su oni koji sluze, njima je zabranjeno sudjelovanje u obredima zrtvovanja i citanje svetih knjiga . Sidharthin otac bio je brahman, tako da je i Sidhartha pripadao toj najvisoj kasti. Bio je vrlo lijep, ali i uman mladic. Brzo je svladao sve tehnike brahmana, abio je i vjest savjetodavac. Svi su ga voljeli i divili mu se, ali on nije volio sebe. Osjecao je da nije dosegao ono sto je trebao , a sto se nalazi u svakom covjeku- atman. Atman je vazan i znac ajan pojam hinduizma. Dolazi vec u starijim Vedama. Znacenje mu je dah, dusa, a pravi smisao vlastitost covjeka i stvari u svijetu,te njihovo najdublje, unutrasnje bivstvo u opreci sa slucajnom pojavom. Upotrebljava se kao osnova posebnoga nacina postojanja kao i za opci princip bitka (duh svijeta); u tom znacenju postaje sinonim za brahman, sto znaci bozansko jedinstvo svega. Atman je zapravo individualna svijest ili kako bismo mi rekli, dusa. Ta dusa, ili individualna svijest identicna je univerzalnoj svijesti, brahmanu. Ta je spoznaja trebala dovesti do stapanja atmana i brahmana.Tako je i Sidhartha promisljao kako spoznati atman: '' A gdje se mogao naci atman,gdje je on boravio, gdje je kucalo njegovo vjecno srce, gdje drugdje doli u vlastitom ja, u onom unutrasnjem, u nerazorivom sto ga svatko nosi u sebi? '' Osjecajuci kako taj atman nece dosegnuti kao brahman, sa svojim vjernim prijateljem, Govindom, odlucuje se prikljuciti samanama i njihovom isposnickom nacinu z ivljenja. Poducen od najstarijeg samane, Sid d hartha je mnogo naucio. Naucio je podnositi bol, glad, sve vremenske neprilike, i pritome ostati strpljiv i miran. Naucio je ukidati sebstvo, osjecati kako je u svemu sto ga okruzuje- mogao je zamisliti da je caplja, riba, voda, suma, pa i mrtav sakal- zapravo je svjesno to poticuci, dozivljavao reinkarnaciju. Ipak, svo to znanje jos mu nije pomoglo da pronadje vjecno u sebi. Tako je zakljucio obracajuci se prijatelju: ''O Govinda, potrosio sam mnogo vremena i jos nisam spreman nauciti ovo: da nista nije moguce nauciti! Vjerujem, da ono sto mi zovemo ucenjem zapravo ne postoji. Postoji, o moj prijatelju, samo jedno znanje koje

Sunday, November 24, 2019

5 Reasons to Support Your Local Community Theater

5 Reasons to Support Your Local Community Theater When I was still in my teens, a friend was directing a community theater production of Once Upon a Mattress, a musical retelling of They desperately needed a spotlight operator, so I obliged. On opening night, as I sat up above the audience, I watched as the people chatted anxiously. I witnessed their hushed awe as the stage manager lowered the houselights. Then, after the curtains were drawn, and the opening number began, I spotted one energetic performer after another. After that night, I was hooked on plays. I didn’t simply fall in love with theater because of its entertainment value. That evening I learned that community theaters benefit not just the audience but the entire community. So, why should you support your local playhouse? Here are a few ideas to consider: Nurture New Artists: Many successful actors, directors, writers, and choreographers have launched their careers in humble, small town playhouses. Just by attending and applauding, audiences give up-and-coming stars the positive feedback they need to continue their artistic pursuits. Also, many community theaters offer classes for children’s productions. The stage develops confidence and responsibility within young performers. In my experience, I have seen the shyest of children improve her communication skills. When I directed children’s shows for a local civic light opera, I met a seven year old girl named Megan who only spoke in whispers; she didn’t have any friends at the beginning of rehearsals. However, the choreographer noticed that she moved very gracefully. We gave her a special dance solo. It boosted her self-esteem. Soon, she was an outgoing, talkative, and friendly part of the cast. Share Valuable Skills: Community theaters need more than just cast members. Anyone that can sew a costume, paint a backdrop, build a staircase, or edit a sound effect is a desirable addition to the company. Novices of a particular skill, such as construction or lighting, can increase their ability by working alongside veteran craftsmen. Likewise, experts can enjoy sharing their knowledge and passing their craftsmanship to the next generation.    Advertise Locally:    Small business owners should financially support playhouses, and not just for altruistic reasons. A good thirty minutes before a show, most audience members spend their time thumbing through the program, inspecting the actor bios. It’s the perfect opportunity to advertise. Theater goers are essentially a captive audience while they scan through the program. Small business can use this time to reach hundreds of potential customers. Ad space is relatively inexpensive and will help the performing arts thrive.    Socialize with New People:    Whether you work as an assistant director, a chorus member, the star of the show or a stagehand, one thing is certain: you will meet new friends. There is something exhilarating about putting on a show. It brings people close together; it tests their skills, and it enlightens audiences. Many lifelong friendships and relationships have been formed while practicing sword fighting, stage-kissing, or falling through a trap door. There is a strong bond with all who band together to put on a play. We become friends because we work as one to tell as story.    Be Part of the Storytelling Process:    Plays are an ancient form of storytelling. It’s a creative ritual still very much alive despite the age of  Youtube. Most community theaters produce time-tested classics such as Man of La Mancha, Death of a Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Some are light hearted; some are deep and profound. All offer a message to the audience. Classic and contemporary plays speak to us because they explore what it means to be human. Those who participate in the storytelling process can feel proud knowing they are spreading a positive message to their community. So go audition. Offer up your skills. Advertise in the program. Contribute your time and energy. And by all means, go see a show! You’ll become a part of the vibrant, long-cherished tradition of the theatrical storytelling. â€Å"The powerful Play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.† Walt Whitman

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jordanian Arabic Phonology and Morphology Essay

Jordanian Arabic Phonology and Morphology - Essay Example As the report declares a major difference in the syllabic inventory of the two languages is in the presence of the super-heavy syllable of the form CVVC in Arabic and its dialects. This does not exist in the syllable-structure in English. Although there are many other points of difference between English and Jordanian Arabic from the phonological point of view, including rules of transformation and optimality theoretical constraints, the discussion has been restricted here to these basic points of difference. This paper compares the two languages- English and Jordanian Arabic- in terms of the morphology that characterizes them. One of the principal characteristics of Semitic morphology is its being non-linear or non-concatenative: instead of morphemes being placed linearly before the stem as prefixes and suffixes as in English, the morphemic structure of Semitic words is characterized by two or more morphemes interwoven within each other in a discontinuous fashion. One morpheme is inserted into another in certain slots of the word-stem structure. Neither the root-morpheme nor the morpheme to which it is attached (also called the template) free. They are both bound morphemes and only when a certain root and a template merge a definite word is completely specified phonologically, morphologically and semantically. In the case of third-person pronouns, English has he/she/it for singular while Jordanian Arabic has a dichotomy: objects ending with â€Å"taa’ murboota† take the pro noun â€Å"hiyeh† and rest take â€Å"howa†.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Individual Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Individual Career Plan - Essay Example The timely fashion that is required during all journalistic encounters ensures that events are relayed and communicated in the best possible way. This is the only way that all events and activities witnessed are communicated to all parties in the best possible way. Packaging is necessary in the field of journalism. This is because proper packaging ensures that all the information collected is as palatable as possible (Kobre 2008). The role of journalism cannot be ignored in any given society. This is because, at each and every point, the public interest in what is happening all over the world is very high. This is possible because of the aspects of journalism that look into the events all over the world. The coordination of information and pictures is able to communicate all the needed information about a situation. The condensation of information and pictures about any situation totals to journalism. This is the only way that the public is aware of their surroundings. Photojournalis m Photojournalism is one area in the entire field of journalism. Each new story has the sole aim of communicating information. For it to appeal to all the involved parties, it is accompanied by still pictures and images that complement the story (Kobre 2008). As compared to all other forms of photography, photojournalism has been stipulated to follow certain ethical and pictorial considerations. They are entitled to remain as ethical and impartial to communicate the specifics of what should be reported. They complementary role that photojournalism plays has been reported to bring any story alive. Many people that have been interviewed in many researchers conclude that they watched and participated in news surveys as a result of what they watch. This is as compared to what they hear (Kobre 2008). Many life events were reversed as a result of what images were relayed to accompany a story. There are very many examples that show what the research concluded. The genocide in Rwanda in 199 4 and the civil war in Sudan got worldwide attention as a result of chilling images that accompanied the stories. These are some few random examples from all over the world in line with the effects of photojournalism. It is imperative that, at each and every point the aspects of photojournalism should be governed by timeliness, narration and objectivity. This means that all pictures and images should be timely in how they complement the story line. This is through the introduction of a cutline. The images and pictures should also be very objective in the sense that the pictures should have a high sense of what the story line is about. Without the connection, they will be of absolutely no benefit to the story. The connection between the pictures and the story line is through the introduction of a narrative. Narration ensures that the audience is able to relate the story and picture. This creates a perfect view for all those that are watching (Kovach 2007). Job Description and Skills Profile Photojournalism entails the use and application of photographic equipment. The equipment has the ability to capture images as they appear. Once a photojournalist is in the zone, the camera is zoomed to view all aspects of what is being filmed. It is necessary for the journalist to zoom and project the image from all the necessary angles. Aspects of creativity come into sharp focus as any form of angle alteration could lead to the complete

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services Assignment

Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services - Assignment Example In order to reduce the problems of lack of commitment, Poor quality performance and Lack of effective control, it is hereby recommended that the amount of times based salary in their monthly take home should be considerably reduced and a new system of commission based salary should be introduced. Commission should be directly proportionate to the volume of sales achieved by individual sales consultant. Also, the formula of higher the sales, the higher the percentage of commission should apply. Complete abandonment of fixed based salary is not recommended because it will reduce job security that may lead to high turnover. Also, if due to any reason i.e. illness, a sales consultant is not able to work for full number of days in a month; his/her commission income will sharply reduce. Thus, this fixed based salary will supplement that consultant's income in that particular month. Ultimately it will lead to enhanced commitment towards HIS. In an addition, to ensure effective checks and balances on the activities of sales consultants, amount of commission income should be made inversely proportionate to the number of complaints received against each of them. A Points System of Rewards i.e. ... Customer's feedback should also have strong impact on a sales consultant's pay package and quarterly/yearly bonus. To achieve this, customer satisfaction survey should be conducted after careful selection of sample. It will help in two ways. First of all it will make the customer feel that his/her feedback regarding the sales consultant's service to him is important to the company and thus it will develop a sense of attachment between him/her and the company. Secondly, it will help exercise effective control over the sales consultant. He/she will take great care at the time of making commitments - a problem that the company is facing and paying for by bad publicity by some unsatisfied customers. It is also highly recommended that the team of sales consultants should not be hired by one sales director only; they should be divided into 4 teams and each team headed by one team leader directly reporting to the sales director. It will be easy for team leaders and the sales director also to handle small groups of people that will help develop committed teams competing with each other in terms of sales and quality of output. Clerical Division Existing Payment System An organization's success depends not only on the performance of its sales team and / or of the senior management, the minor tasks performed by clerical staff are also important though relatively lesser than that of others. At Heidelberg, existing reward strategy does not reflects any thing that may motivate clerical staff to stay committed to the organization and to help achieve management's aim of reducing cost. Recommended Reward Strategy Since the job does not require a very high level of commitment, neither does

Friday, November 15, 2019

L-Shaped Array for Multi-frequency Interferometry Telescope

L-Shaped Array for Multi-frequency Interferometry Telescope Abstract An array of eight antennas with different configuration, more precisely an L-shaped array has been built for the Multi-frequency Interferometry Telescope for Radio Astronomy (MITRA) project. It consists of quite newly designed Dual Polarised Log Periodic Dipole Antennas (DPLPDA). The first stage of the project was to test the existing array of DPLPDA antennas in a parallelconfiguration in the North South direction and to bring forward different improvements. Also, comparision of data was done with the Durban University of Technology (DUT) at Durban RSA where a similar array was constructed. Next, UV coverage of different arrays were simulated. After that, the DPLPDA were constructed.After setting up the array, the antenna response of each antenna was tested and the results obtained was interpreted. The final test was to test the complete array after combining all the antennas. CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Overview 1.1Introduction 1.1.1Radio Astronomy Radio astronomy is the study of celestial objects that emit radio waves.In the 1930’s, Karl Jansky (1905-1950), working for the Bell Laboratories, was trying to determine the origin of the source of noise interfering with radio voice transmissions. He built a steerable antenna designed to receive radio waves at a frequency of 20.5 MHz. From the observations, he found that the period of the earth’s rotation relative to the radio source was 23 hours and 56 minutes instead of 24 hours. Hence, he concluded that the source was follwing sidereal time. He also observed that the strongest radiation was coming from the centre of our Milky Way galaxy.Inspired by Jansky’s work, Grote Reber (1911-2002) built a parabolic radio telescope of diameter 9m in his back yard, in 1937. After several trials, Reber successfully detected radio emission from the Milky Way, in 1938, confirming Janskys discovery. This led to the discovery of a range of celestial objects, such as radio gala xies, quasars, and pulsars with radio emission with various types of antennas. [1] Radio Interferometry Radio interferometry are arrays of radio antennas that are used inastronomicalobservations simultaneously to simulate singletelescopesof very largeapertures and are used to make measurements of fine angular detail in the radio emission. Radio interferometry enable measurement of the position of radio sources with accuracy to allow identification of other objects detected in the electromagnetic spectrum. Michelson and Pease made the discovery of the interferometric techniques in 1921. They were able to obtain sufficiently fine angular resolution to measure the diameters of some of the nearer stars such as Arcturus and Betelgeuse. [2] Aperture Synthesis Aperture Synthesis or Synthesis Imaging is a type of interferometry that correlates radio signals obtained from a collection of telescopes or antennas to produce images. These images have the same angular resolution as that of the size of a single and a much larger telescope or antenna. Aperture synthesis was first discovered by Sir Martin Ryle (27 September 1918 – 14 October 1984) and coworkers from the Radio Astronomy Group at Cambridge University at radio wavelengths. In 1974, Martin Ryle was the first astronomer awarded a Nobel Prize. [3] Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) also makes use of radio interferometric techniques. TypicallyVLBIrefers to experiments that do not process their data in real time, but record it for latercorrelation to produce the resulting image. It achieves ultra-high angular resolution and is a multi-disciplinary technique. VLBIis used in measuring pulsar parallaxes andproper motion, resolving the cores of radio galaxies and fets from supermassive black holes, among others. [14] Some of the commonly used radio interferometers are: the Very Large Array (VLA) in Socorro, New Mexico,USA; It consists of 27 radio antennas, each of diameter 25 metres, along three arms of a Y-shaped configuration spread over three 21 kilometres tracks providing 351 baselines. [4] the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN), operated by Jordrell Bank Observatory; It is an array of 7 radio telescopes spread across Britain with separation up to 217 kilometres operating at frequencies between 151 MHz and 24 GHz. [5] the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) in Narrabri, NSW, Australia. The telescope is an array of six identical 22 metres diameter dishes with five movable dishes along a 3 kilometres railway track and the sixth one is 3 kilometres west at the end of the main track. The maximum baseline length is 2.7 kilometres and the observing frequencies are from 300 MHz to 8 GHz.[6] the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in Narayangaon,Pune, India. It consists of 30 steerable parabolic dish each of diameter 45 metres opertaing at six different frequency bands and where 14 dishes are arranged in a central square and remaining 6 in a three arm Y-shaped array giving a baseline of about 25 Kilometres . [7] Some of the new radio interferometers are: Low Frequency Array (LoFAR) in north of Exloo, the Netherlands (core) and neighbouring countries It is a phased-array of radio telescopes of about 25,000 small antennas in at 48 larger stations where 40 of these stations are distributed across the north of Netherlands, five stations in Germany, and one each in Great Britain, France and Sweden and has a low requency range from 10-240 MHz. [8] Figure 1: The LoFAR Array Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in llano de Chajnantar Observatory, Atacama Desert,Chile It consists of sixty six 12 metres and 7 metres diameter radio telescopes observing at wavelengths of 0.3 to 9.6 millimetres . [9] Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in Murchison Radio Astronomy Observatory, Western Australia It consists of 2048 dual-polarization dipole antennas, each a 44 array of dipoles and operates at low radio frequencies, 80-300 MHz, with a processed bandwidth of 30.72 MHz for both linear polarisations, and consists of 128 aperture arrays (known as tiles) distributed over approximately 3- kilometres diameter area. [10] Figure 2: MWA Antenna tiles KAT7 MeerKAT in Northern Cape, South Africa Figure 3: Aerial View of KAT7 KAT-7 consist of 7 dishes of 12 metres in diameter each a Prime Focus Reflecting Telescopes having a minimum baseline of 26 meters and maximum baseline of 185 metres and have a frequency range of 1200 MHz – 1950 MHz. KAT-7 is an engineering prototype for the MeerKAT. KAT-7 is the world’s first radio telescope array with fiberglass dishes. . MeerKAT, which is still under construction and is slated for completion in 2016 , will consist of 64 dishes of 13.5 meters in diameter having a minimum baseline of 29 metres and maximum baseline of 20 kilometres and it will operate at frequency ranging from 580MHz – 1.75 GHz and 8 – 15 Ghz.[11,12] e- MERLIN is an enhanced and upgraded array of the old MERLIN array.The e- MERLIN instrument is a high resolution radio interferometer connected by a new optical fibre network to Jodrell Bank Observatory. This new system gives rise to a massive increase in sensitivity and observational capabilities.[13] Figure 4: e-MERLIN array European VLBI Netwok (EVN) is an interferometric array of radio telescopes spread across Europe which also includes stations in far-East Asia , South Africa and Puerto Rico that conducts high resolution radio astronomical observations of radio sources. It is the most sensitive VLBI array in the world. It was formed in 1980 and the administering body now comprises 14 institutes[15].TheEVNalso routinely joins other networks, such as theVery Long Baseline Array (VLBA)and the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN), to become a globalVLBIarray. The VLBA is spread throughout Mauna Kea , Hawaii and St Croix. It typically consists of 10 VLA radio antennas and as result it has a maximum baseline exceeding 8000 Km[16]. Some of the future African based new radio interferometers are: African VLBI Network (AVN) Multi-Frequency Interferometry Telescope for Radio Astronomy (MITRA) 1.1.3 MITRA (Multi-frequency Interferometry Telescope for Radio Astronomy) 1.1 The MITRA is an international radio astronomy project which aims to do extremly wide field of imaging with heterogenius non coplanar arrays. The acronym of MITRA means â€Å"friend† in Sanskrit. It is a low frequency array telescope jointly started by Girish Kumar Beeharry from University of Mauritius (UOM) nd Stuart David Macpherson and Gary Peter Janse Van Vuuren from the Durban University of Technolagy (DUT) in South Africa. The project is being simultaneously implemented at the Mauritius Radio Telescope (MRT), located at Bras D’Eau Mauritius, site and at the DUT campus site. The projects will then be expanded to the different SKA Africa partner countries and eventually to other African countries. Data from each country will be combined to form an international aperture synthesis telescope using the techniques of Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). It is a sensitive high resolution multifrequency dual polarity instrument in the range of 200 to 800 MHz. The instrument chosen for this purpose are Dual Polarized Log Periodic Dipole Antennas (DPLPDA)[17]. 1.1.4 African Long Baseline Interferometry Network (AVN) The African Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network (AVN) is an array of radio telescopes throughout Africa. It is planned to form part of the existing global VLBI networks . It will be associated with the European VLBI Network (EVN ). The latteris a consortium of major radio astronomy institutes in Europe and China (Schilizzi). It has member and associated radio telescopes in Europe, China, South Africa (Hartebeesthoek0, Japan(Kashima) and Puerto Rico (Arecibo). The EVN is capable of providing an excellent angular resolution(from 5 to 0.15 milliarc seconds depending on observing frequency) and high sensitivity for VLBI observations. One of the main technological drivers has been the availability of telecommunication antennas all over Africa. Part of the scheme is to modify the existing dishes, of about at least 30 m in diameter, into radio telescopes. All these telescopes will be linked together, and to radio telescopes in South Africa, forming the African VLBI Network. This, in t urn, would be connected to radio telescopes and arrays in Europe and elsewhere in the world, including North and South America, Asia and Australia. The conversion of a Ghana located dish into a radio telescopes has already been begun.The AVN’s plans to convert three more dishes in Kenya, Zambia and Madagascar. It also aims to build four new radio telescopes in Namibia, Botswana, Mauritius and Mozambique. [19] 1.1.5 Electronic Multi Beam Radio Astronomy ConcEpt(EMBRACE) and African European Radio Astronomy Aperture Array (AERA3 ) The EMBRACE demonstrates the technical and scientific potential of the aperture array concept using a phased array station with the essential SKA. There are two stations, one in NanÃ’Â «ay, France and the other one at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the Netherlands. These two stations are prototype arrays for the SKA MFAA. It consists of an antenna array organized in tiles of dual polarization antennas. A large number of antenna tiles forms the collecting area. The signals from the radiating elements of the antenna from each tile are amplified and the initial analogue RF beam forming is applied. Generally, an EMBRACE is designed for a frequency range of 400-1500 MHz of single polarization, a collecting area of 100 m2 , system temperature of 100 K and has two fields of view with 8 digital beams . The idea of having multiple independent beams gives rise to the AERA3 because EMBRACE considers only two beams. AERA3 is similar to EMBRACE but this new aperture array will have a greater collecting area with will be approximately 2000 m2 varying with a frequency range of 400-1500 MHz with full polarization, two fields of view with 64 digital beams, system temperature of 50 K and bandwidth of less than 500 MHz. AERA3 will be used for intensity mapping, surveys of the whole sky and search for pulsars.[20,21] Figure 5: Embrace at Nancay, Paris 1.1.6 The Square Kilometre array (SKA) The SKA will be a revolutionary radio telescope made of hundred of thousands of receptors. They will be linked together, forming a total collecting area of approximately one square kilometre. It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope ever built. It will be able to survey the sky faster than present instruments. In 2006, the African consortium and Australia were both shortlisted as potential sites fot building the SKA. In the 25th May 2012, the SKA organisation announced that SKA would be shared between the African consortium and Australia on a 2:1 ratio basis. The African consortium would be undertaking the construction of the high and mid frequency arrays. The Australian would be in charge of the low frequency aperture array. The SKA consists of two phases where Phase 1 is the construction of about 10% of the SKA. It will make use of the existing infrastructure and telescopes already being built by the two countries. That is, the South Africas precursor array the 64-dish MeerKAT telescope and the Australias 36-dish SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP). Additionally, there will be 50low-frequency 1.5 metre high antenna stations, 60mid-frequency 15 metre dishes built in Australia. Finally, 190mid-frequency 15 metres dishes will be built in South Africa. Phase 2 is the extension to a baseline of 3,000 Km or more in South Arica and African partners countries. These are namely, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zambia. Also, a total of about three thousand dishes, with the highest concentration in the Northern Cape, South Africa, and some dishes in the other consortium countries will be built. In Australia, the telescope will extend over a baseline of200 km. It will operate with a frequency coverage from 70 MHz to 30 GHz. The SKA will use aperture synthesis, over a distance of more than 3000km to simulate a single giant radio telescope capable of extremely high sensitivity and angular resolution. The SKA will be able to observe the black holes, stars, galaxies and detect black holes[11,22,23,24]. Figure 6: SKA overview 1.1.7 The Log Periodic Dipole Antenna A log periodic antenna, also referred to as a log periodic array, is an antenna that can operate on a wide frequency band. It was à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ rst built in 1958 by Dwight Isbell at the University of Illinois, United States of America. LPDA is a directional antenna which possesses constant electrical characteristics such as gain, impedance and front-to-back ratio over the wide range of frequencies. It varies periodically with the logarithmic. The antenna consists of a series of linear elements also known as dipoles and the individual elements connect with a transmission or feed line such as coaxial cable. Each element is placed in an alternating configuration leading to a phase shift of 180o (Ï€ radians). [25] 1.2 Aim The aim of this project is to construct a front-end system for radio astronomical observations in the frequency range 200 MHz to 800 MHz using the Dual Polarised Log Periodic Dipole Antenna model with bandwidth 200 MHz to 800 MHz. The front end system will consist of an L-shaped array of antennas. This L shaped array is the start of a matrix of an eight by eight antennas. It will be used as a prototype for Intensity mapping for large scale neutral hydrogen (HI) mapping. Several improvements to the existing antennas will be made and applied to new array configuration. Also along with the array, a shielded box will be constructed for electronic purposes. This work focuses on the longer baseline sparse mid frequency aperture array (MFAA), in contrast to the dense aperture arrays like EMBRACE and the future AERA3.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tupac Shakur: a Hip Hop Inspiration

Tupac Shakur: A Hip-Hop Inspiration Music is a cultural journal that expresses the realities and emotions of life in a poetic way. For the African American culture, music has always been a statement for many controversial topics such as racism, religion, politics, education, crime, and violence. In the 1990’s, Hip-Hop became the newest cultural and artistic voice for the African American population. Genres such as jazz, blues, rock-n-roll, and gospel that once dominated the musical culture of African Americans slipped into the background, and Hip-Hop rose to power and defined a generation.The inspirational and influential Tupac Shakur stormed onto the rap scene in 1991 with an emotional style that changed the rap game forever. Tupac’s social consciousness morphed him into an activist and enabled him to influence American culture along with redefining the hip-hop genre. Tupac Shakur was born in New York City during the year 1971. His mother, Afeni Shakur, a member of the Black Panther Party. was in jail for bombing charges during her pregnancy. The origin of the name Tupac Amaru is Incan and translates to â€Å"shining serpent,† while Shakur is Arabic and means â€Å"thankful to God. In 1986, Shakur's family moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where Tupac enrolled in the Baltimore School for the Arts. At the age of 15, Tupac wrote his first rap song under the name of M. C. New York. The rapper’s life took a turn for the worse in 1988 when his family moved to a small city outside of Oakland, California. Shortly after moving to the projects, Tupac moved in with a neighbor and started to sell drugs. Later that year, Tupac's stepfather Mutulu Shakur was indicted and sentenced to 60 years in prison for his part in an armored car robbery that took place in 1981.Despite all of the trouble surrounding him and his family, Tupac joined the Grammy-nominated rap group ‘Digital Underground’ as a dancer and rapper. After touring with the ac claimed group in 1990, Tupac released his first solo album in '91. He received immediate recognition for his debut album, 2pacalypse Now, which graced the world with the successful singles â€Å"Trapped† and â€Å"Brenda's Got A Baby. † With the individual success that Tupac had received with his musical talent, he wanted to prove to the world that he was more than just a rapper. In 1992, Tupac appeared in the Earnest Dickerson film â€Å"Juice. Within the next two years, Tupac starred in two additional movies: the John Singleton movie, â€Å"Poetic Justice†(Janet Jackson co-starred), and â€Å"Above The Rim. † Unfortunately, legal issues slowed the success of the influential rapper as a result of his 1994 arrest on sexual assault charges in New York. Subsequently, during the same month and in the same city, Tupac was shot in an apparent robbery attempt outside of his recording studio. Shortly after his quick recovery, Tupac was then acquitted of sodomy and weapons charges after he was convicted of sexually abusing a woman he had invited to his hotel room.Despite the absurd amount of legal problems, Shakur was back in the studio in early '95 and released the incredible album Me Against The World. The amount of devotion and emotion put into songs such as â€Å"Dear Mama† helped this record surpass 2 million copies sold. In February of the same year, Tupac was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison for sex abuse. After serving only eight months, Shakur was released on bail while he appealed the sentence. Still thriving on the success of Me Against The World, Tupac released his fourth solo album, All Eyez On Me, which topped the ‘Billboard Album Chart’ shortly after it debuted.Songs such as â€Å"Life Goes On† and â€Å"I Ain’t Mad At Cha† once again demonstrate Tupac’s ability to put every fiber of his being into each one of his songs. The game-changing album went on to sell five million co pies. On September 7, 1996, Tupac Amaru Shakur was knocked off the top of the world when he was shot in an apparent drive-by in Las Vegas. Five days later, Tupac was pronounced dead. The controversy surrounding the death of the greatest hip-hop artist of all time remains, to this day, a mystery.The death of Tupac Shakur may still be a mystery, however his influence on hip-hop music is undeniable. Tupac had a talent for exposing social and economical issues that forced society to face the reality that our nation was still far from perfect. He used his success and lyrics as a medium to speak to the world about important economical, political and social injustices. He quickly became a leader among the African American population, transforming into a voice for his nationality and a source of hope when there was nothing left for his people to believe in.Tupac was an inspiration to those suffering from poverty or feeling hopeless about the future; his accomplishments proved that even a ki d from the ghetto could rise above the hate and despair, achieve any goal, and make a difference in the world. The death of Tupac Shakur and his influence on hip-hop music is an invaluable part of not just African-American history, but world history. He may have been a criminal that had ‘thug life' tatooed on his body, but Tupac was a courageous person who not only stood up for what he believed in, but carved his views into the hip-hop genre for generations to come.Shakur’s life, legacy, and music career focused on activism so much that I see him as the Martin Luther King of hip-hop. As an avid reader, Shakur absorbed a wealth of knowledge and was eager to share it. Today, you hear a lot of rap and hip-hop music that has no real value. Sadly, most rap lyrics now are focused on material things, money and sex. The emotion in and deeper meaning of rap is dead. Though there are a few exceptions (Eminem), hip-hop for the most part has been swallowed by the genre the media is responsible for: pop.Music nowadays entails repetitive chorus’s and seems to be just noise. Great music is now a commodity that is hard to come by, especially in hip-hop, which is why I am so thankful for Tupac’s music even though his career was cut short. In a very short time, Tupac managed to address profound social issues while preaching through his lyrics. Not only did Shakur influence the genre of hip-hop and the culture of many Americans, he became a worldwide symbol of change. Tupac Shakur is a martyr, who believed he could make a difference through music, and boy did he ever.I end this paper on the greatest hip-hop artist of all time with lyrics from the song â€Å"Changes: Come on, Come on, That’s just the way it is, Things will never be the same, That’s just the way it is, Aww Yeah. † Work Citied Hamilton, K. (2004). Making some noise: The academy’s hip-hop generation. Black Issues in Higher Education, 21 (5), 34-37. Krims, A. (20 00). New perspectives in music history and criticism: rap music and the poetics of identity. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Smith, D. (1999). Tupac Shakur. In A. Light (Ed. ), The vibe history of hip-hop (p. 297-305). New York: Three Rivers Press.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Overpopulation of the World and the Problems It Creates

Overpopulation of the World and the Problems it Creates The world is faced with growing conservation problems daily, most of which are caused by an increasing population. In order to deal with the problems of overpopulation, the world needs to consider minimizing consumption, lowering waste byproducts, and keeping a hand on land management. Consumption is the act of using resources at an uncontrolled rate. It is mainly the result of overpopulation. The population of the world is growing by approximately 212,970 people per day and is said to reach nine billion people by 2040 (World Population). As the population increases at this rapid rate, the demand for food, water, and shelter will also rise just as quickly. Since the demand for goods like electricity and fuels also increase, we should consider using a more conservational method to create these items by using more abundant and replaceable resources. Water is the most abundant resources on the planet. Instead of using petroleum based fuels to run cars, we should use water. Scientists have already developed hydrogen powered vehicles such as cars, busses, scooters, and tractors (NREL). Another alternative for fueling cars are crops like corn that produce ethanol. Electricity is going to one of the most demanded items as the population grows. In some places, fuels are being used to create energy. Instead, abundant resources like sunlight, wind, and water should be used to generate all the electricity that is consumed. But, even with these methods of producing a â€Å"cleaner† energy supply, the general population will have to contribute to the conservation of the energy. Some simple things that people can do is :lower thermostats, use energy efficient bulbs, use drip irrigation to water flowers and fruits, use solar energy to dry clothes, and create a compost to dispose of that waste instead of throwing it away. As the population is growing, the amount of waste that is produced from the consumption will increase at a much more rapid pace. Each person per day produces about 4. 4 pounds of waste. The majority of this waste is thrown away in the trashcan, which is set at the curb to be picked up by a diesel truck polluting the air and using energy, only to end up in a andfill. With the increase in needs of food and other items, more and more trash will result. Recycling is the best way to fix this problem and keep 95% of trash out of landfills. It is projected that Americans will throw away over 11 million tons of glass bottles and jars 1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil more than1 million tons of aluminum cans and foil, over 4 and a half million tons of paper and nearly 10 million tons of newspaper (Center). Almost all of this material could be recycled, saving millions of trees and over 100% combined energy that is used to make new products. Businesses can also play their part in recycling things such as cooking oil that could be used as fuel in a vehicle. If we do not engage in actions to clean up the present landfills and prevent future ones, we could possibly be looking at problems such as contaminated water and soil. Land management goes along side of both consumption and waste. As the population increases, more space will be needed for houses, hospitals, schools and businesses. As a result, we must make room by methods such as destroying forest and filling in lakes, rivers, and streams. To us we may only see trees and dirty, microorganism infested water, but these two ecosystem house millions of species of animals and plants that are vital to our survival on Earth. Research states that the earth was once covered by 5. 8 million to 6. 2 million square miles of forest. Today only 2. million to 3 million square miles of forest still remains (Nielsen). By destroying these bionetworks, plants and animals become endangered and maybe even extinct. As a result, this causes entire ecosystems to collapse. Without plants, animals die and without plants and animals, the human species can no longer eat or breathe, therefore, becoming extinct itself. Humans can take control of this growing problem by considering options like apartment buildings or larger skyscrapers to t hings like online schools and e-shopping. Without a doubt, the population of the world is going to continue to grow, but that does not mean that the problems dealing with consumption, waste, and land management has to also. If we could use nature made goods like sunlight, water, and wind, we could reduce the amount of energy consumed, decrease the amount of waste produced, and decrease the amount of land destroyed that is needed to serve the population. Works Cited 7 Environmental Problems that were Worse than we Thought. 3 Feb 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . Alexander, Kathleen. Tree Benefits. 23 Feb 2010 . Bureau, U. S. Census. â€Å"Global Population Growth. † 2002. 23 Feb 2010 . Center, University of Colorado Environmental. CU Environmental Center. 2008. 23 Feb 2010 . National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL – Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research. 29 Sept 2009. 24 Feb 2010. Nielsen, Ron. The Little Green Handbook: Seven Trends Shaping the Future of Our Planet. New York: Picador, 2006. Today's Top Global Environment Issues. 23 Feb 2010 . World Population Prospects-The 2008 Revision Population Database. 2008. 24 Feb 2010

Friday, November 8, 2019

Censorship and Banned Books in Schools

Censorship and Banned Books in Schools While reading Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in school, teachers often spend full class periods discussing a very important issue: Mark Twains use of the n word throughout the book. Its important to not only explain that the book must be looked at through the context of the time period but also what Twain was trying to do with his story. He was trying to reveal the plight of the slave and he was doing so with the vernacular of the time. Students may make wisecracks, but its important to address their humor with information. Students need to understand the words meaning and Twains reasons for using it. These conversations are difficult to have because they are controversial and many people are very uncomfortable with the n word- for good reason. Due to its origins in slavery and racism, it is often the topic of disgruntled phone calls from parents. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the 4th most banned book  in schools according to Banned in the U.S.A. by Herbert N. Foerstal. In 1998 three new attacks arose to challenge its inclusion in education. Reasons for Banned Books Is censorship in schools good? Is it necessary to ban books? Each person answers these questions differently. This is the core of the problem for educators. Books can be found offensive for many reasons. Here are just some reasons taken from Rethinking Schools Online: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. Reason: Rape scene, anti-white.Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Reason: Profanity.Go Ask Alice by Anonymous. Reason: Drug use, sexual situations, profanity.A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck. Reason: Depiction of pigs mating and being slaughtered. More recent books that were challenged according to the American Library Association include the Twilight saga due to its religious viewpoint and violence and The Hunger Games because it was unsuited to the age group, sexually explicit and too violent. Many ways exist to ban books. Our county has a group which reads the questionable book and determines whether its educational value exceeds the weight of the objections against it. However, schools can ban books without this lengthy procedure. They just choose not to order the books in the first place. This is the situation in Hillsborough County, Florida. As reported in the St. Petersburg Times, one elementary school will not stock two of the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling because of the witchcraft themes. As the Principal explained it, the school knew they would get complaints about the books so they did not buy them. Many people, including the American Library Association, has spoken out against this. There is an article by Judy Blume on the website for the National Coalition Against Censorship to be very interesting. Its title: Is Harry Potter Evil? The question that faces us in the future is when do we stop? Do we remove mythology and Arthurian legends because of its references to magic? Do we strip the shelves of medieval literature because it presupposes the existence of saints? Do we remove Macbeth because of the murders and witches? Most would say there is a point where we must stop. But who gets to pick the point? Proactive Measures an Educator Can Take Education is not something to be feared. There are enough hurdles in teaching with which we must deal. So how can we stop the above situation from occurring in our classrooms? Here are just a few suggestions: Choose the books you use wisely. Make sure that they fit nicely into your curriculum. You should have evidence which you can present that the books you are using are necessary for the student.If you are using a book that you know has caused concerns in the past, try to come up with alternative novels that students can read.Make yourself available to answer questions about the books you have chosen. In the very beginning of the school year, introduce yourself to parents at  an open house  and tell them to call you if they have any concerns. If a parent calls you there will probably be less of a problem then if they call administration.Discuss the controversial issues in the book with the students. Explain to them the reasons those parts were necessary for the authors work.Have an outside speaker come to class to discuss concerns. For example, if you are reading  Huckleberry Finn, get a Civil Rights Activist to give a presentation to students about racism. Final Word Ray Bradbury  describes a situation in the  coda to  Fahrenheit 451. It is about a future where all books are burned because the people have decided that knowledge brings pain. It is far better to be ignorant than knowledgeable. Bradburys coda discusses the censorship that hes faced. He had a play that he sent to a university to be produced. They sent it back because it had no women in it. This is the height of irony. Nothing was said about the content of the play or the fact that there was a reason it featured only men. They did not want to offend a certain group at the school: women. Is there is  a place for censorship  and banning of books? Its hard to say that children should read certain books in certain grades, but education is not to be feared.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Authors on Deception Essay

Authors on Deception Essay Authors on Deception Essay Throughout our Eng. 101 course, we have covered several different authors who have delved into experiences and controversies involving deception. Although each author, Orwell, Haizlip and Viorst, writes about unique situations and occurrences concerning deception, all are issues pertaining to most if not all humans, including myself. Each required reading for me personally was a unique and intriguing doorway that opened to different paths upon personal reflection, question, and thought. Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell is a story involving a young, ill-educated, sub-divisional police officer stationed in lower Burma. His self-deception is put on display as he narrates his perception of how he is perceived and vice-versly from those around him. The writing specifically follows the decision to shoot an elephant and the consequences that may follow. In consciousness of Orwell’s experience, I have witnessed (and been a part of) actions that could have been solely based on the views of â€Å"on lookers†, even though personally I may have felt differently. Positions ranging from casually procrastinating to as unnerving as bullying solely based on miniscule differences. These outcomes (mostly mistakes) grounded from thoughts of others were mine alone to make, thus I accept full responsibility resembling Orwell as he must live with the decision he has made regardless of how or why it was made. I hope that I can not only recognize this truth but continue to implement positive changes to help better myself and those around me. Shirlee Haizlip wrote on the subject of â€Å"Passing†. The essay depicts several forms of deception and deceit. Including the deception of our own image in the eyes of others, their image portrayed in our eyes, and even how we identify with our own image. The term passing, the title of the writing, can even be defined as, â€Å"the deception that enables a person to adopt certain roles or identities from whic h he/she would be barred by prevailing social standards in the absence of his/hers misleading conduct.† (Kennedy, par. 1) Comparable to Orwell, we can all relate to the subject matter whether we do or do not consciously admit it. â€Å"Passing† helped me realize that while racial passing directly may not be overwhelmingly obvious in my personal everyday life, it represents itself in similar means. Such as how people adapt differently to unique social environments, parents input can alter personal belief as well as generally living of your life can change the deception of that belief and so forth. We must take into consideration that all distinctive circumstances may not be palpable as an individual but may concur in the lives of others or even in our own indirectly. Analogous to previously stated authors, Viorst’s essay on lying explores the subject/forms of deception. Naturally in deception and deceit itself, lying. She covers the subject by attempting to categorize the different reasoning of deceit

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Governmental Market Intervention Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Governmental Market Intervention - Research Paper Example The first of these which will be discussed is that of those individuals and economists that believe that any level of governmental market intervention is a net negative to the economic efficiency. This particular approach relies heavily upon the concept of deadweight loss and the loss of corresponding efficiency that is lost when the natural dynamics of supply and demand are changed according to governmental regulation/intervention. This deadweight loss represents an ultimately loss of efficiency which in turn reduces the total rewards that both the supplier and his/her component parts as well as the consumers will be able to experience within the given situation (Grawe, 2007). One of the most prominent economists that espoused such a point of view is of course Adam Smith; considered by many to be one of the most important figures in establishing a modern understanding of economics. The strength of this particular approach is the fact that it is verifiable on even the most basic of s upply and demand curves. Conversely, the greatest weakness that such an approach exhibits is the fact that it is wholly unable to account for the needs of economically at risk individuals and families that could be operating upon the very margin of society at any given time.Conversely, those that believe that government intervention can represent a net positive for the economy and society espouse the belief that the a certain degree the price ceilings and/or minimum wages that the government can regulate. The basic evidence that those who espouse such a point of view point to is the fact that it is able to regulate an otherwise cut throat environment and more appropriately bring it in line with the needs of a society that cannot be understood by simple representation of supply and demand curves (Popp et al, 2011). One of the most advocates of this particular school of thought is John Maynard Keynes; the founder of the Keynesian school of economics which has dominated the nation†™s understanding of economic concepts for over the past half century. The disadvantage of such a system is the fact that the loss of efficiency to both parties is measurable to even the most basic of economists (Pinotti, 2011). Conversely, one of the most powerful benefits of such an approach is the fact that it is one of the only economic interpretations that seeks to provide a level of social understanding to the hard and â€Å"dismal science† of providing for unlimited wants with limited resources (Boettke, 2012). Although there is probably no absolutely right or wrong approach as a function of the two which have thus far been elaborated upon,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example The article covers the basic theories, training and development in connection with human resource development. The strategies of HRD and technological challenges faced by the managers of HRD in the period of globalization are also included in this article. 2. International Labor Organization, (2001). Introduction. Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector. Retrieved April 22, 2011, from This article deals with the Tripartite Meeting on Human Resources Development, Employment and Globalization in the Hotel, Catering as well as Tourism Sector. This article will be helpful for the person who is related with these sectors. It will be helpful for an individual who is expecting to deal with these sectors in future. This article deals with human resource development related to labor productivity, career development, different forms of work organization exi st in hotel, catering and tourism industry. This article also highlights the training methods, techniques, importance of training and skill required for working in these sectors. The article also focuses on the recent development which has taken place in these three sectors along with the factors that drive development in internationalization of tourism services and travel of tourist. 3. Swanson, A. R., (1995). Human resource development: performance is the key. Forum. Retrieved April 22, 2011, from This article focuses on the three major options for viewing human resource development which include views of human resource development, theoretical basis of HRD and visual image. This article generally focuses on the leader of human resource development and their role in the organization. The three major ingredients of the article have also been emphasized on the business process in the organization. The article will be helpful for the leader and managers in the organization as it discusses about the overall HRD performance of the organization. The carious theories of HRD are also included in this paper. 4. Werner, M. J. & DeSimone, L. R., (2009). Preface. Human resource development. Retrieved April 22, 2011, from The article seeks to define about the theory, practical experience and research associated with HRD efforts. This article is advantageous for managers, students and the professionals of HRD to attain knowledge along with experience. This article will also be beneficial for undergraduate as well as graduate courses in business management, educational administration and various other fields. The article discusses about the complete field of HRD along with skill training towards career development in addition to organizational development. This article focuses on the line managemen t and HRM in relation to HRD. This article may provide broad concepts to the managers along with supervisors who possess limited experience of human resource development. This will help them to grow and to become trainer together with developers and also to develop into an informed consumer of HRD of organization. 5. Taylor & Frances, 2011. Human resource d